Sunday, 22 December 2013

DIY Snow White Dress version 2

One of my friends asked if I would make a Snow White dress for her 2 year old daughters Christmas. Of course I said yes and this is what I made! I can't wait to see her in it, she will be so cute :)

The last Snow White dress I made, for little e, had a velcro closure at the back and was made of non stretch velvet.

This time, because it was for such a young child, I used a stretchy velvet so it doesn't need any fastenings.

I used a simple butterick girls dress pattern but cut the back piece of the bodice and skirt on a fold because it was stretchy fabric. I attached the skirt to the stretched bodice and then, to hold the shape of the bodice better, added a band of elastic to hold the skirt at the unstretched bodice size (does that make sense?!). I skipped the piping step altogether and just sewed a narrow gold ribbon down the front. Not exactly like the actual Snow White dress but hopefully a 2 year old won't notice these things :)

Linking to some of these fab parties!

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  1. This is really sweet. And I'm sure any wee girl would love to wear it!

  2. How adorable! I really should make one of these for my goddaughter, she love dressing up

  3. I love the purple and gold together, Alison. An adorable costume that's no doubt been worn a lot.


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